Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd.


When was CGSTL founded?

CGSTL was founded on December 1st, 2014, it is the first commercial remote sensing satellite company in China.

How many employees does CGSTL have and how about their R&D abilities?

Currently, CGSTL has more than 600 full-time employees, including 85% of employees with master's degrees or higher and most of them graduated from famous schools in China. The talent-matching structure of CGSTL has exceeded that of most peer enterprises.

Where is CGSTL located and do you have any other branches?

CGSTL has its base in Changchun City, Jilin Province, China. Now, we have a joint venture in Haikou City, Hainan Province, China. In the future, we plan to have more branches to meet the markets' needs.

How many satellites does CGSTL have in orbit and what’s CGSTL’s launching planning?

At present, CGSTL has successfully sent 72 Jilin-1 satellites into space through 19 launches and built the largest commercial remote sensing satellite constellation in China. In the future, CGSTL plans to launch 138 Satellites to form a all-day and all-time satellite network.

If I would like to be a partner with CGSTL, how should I do now?

We are appreciated that you can join us to see the world from a different perspective.

If you purchase our products for personal use, you can log in to our Open-Eco Store ( to know more about our products and order your requirements online.

If you are a developer in satellite/remoting or other relevant fields, you can via our JL1 platform ( ) to explore more satellite applications with us.

If you are a reseller please leave your contact information or email us (, we will together reach win-win cooperation.